Monday, September 30, 2013

Date Night

Date night! A complete Greek experience with falafel, hummus, and Gyros.  Mediterranean is one of my favorite cuisines so I walked away stuffed and happy. Will chose expresso while I chose sweet tea wine (delicious), so he walked away stuffed and up all night. Ahh, choices choices. :) I love date nights with my one and only! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

The 3's and Me: Classroom

This is where all the magic of Pre K 3 takes place.  The kids and I have personalized it a bit. The dramatic play center is set up for "G" this week (grocery store) and yes, one of the jobs is the botanist which is very popular. :) I'm trying to beef up the library so any suggestions are welcome! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Doggy Date Night

Since Will is at some fancy pants restaurant playing business man tonight, I accepted a date offer from Bentley. Shopping at Petco, ice cream, and a walk along the ocean was on the agenda. He didn't pay but shared his cone so we will probably go out again. #dogmama


Saturday, September 7, 2013

The 3's and Me: One Month Down

After a few weeks of school I feel like we have gotten over the hump of first day jitters and are settling into a routine.  This 3 year old version of PreK has certainly been new to me but all in all, I can say I'm enjoying it.  I may look a little frazzled during the complete tornado that is lunchtime and after a day of clogged toilets, yogurt explosions, and paint spills, but the day brings the kind of laughs and surprises that I wouldn't get sitting in a cubicle.  Along with the adjustment to being a teacher to 3 year olds, I have experienced my first time in a private school.  These have been my thoughts the past few weeks as I'm learning the ropes of this new environment.

- I have to admit, I was nervous about teaching at a faith-based school because I have never been in the position of explaining Christianity to children.  I felt I didn't know the right words and heck, there's just stuff I don't get.  It took me a little bit to settle with the realization that I'm not teaching a college theology class to the new generation of ministers.  They're 3 and God gives me the words.  After many lessons this has become one of the most rewarding parts of my position.  In public school you have the rules and values lessons but the base was missing.  It was just "that's the way you do it because it makes you nicer" kind of explanation.  In private school I feel like I have support for classroom rules and they have a root in Jesus.  I don't have to say "You are special because there is just one of you"...and then make a snowflake craft. I can instill the preciousness of the fact that God made them special and has a plan for each of us.  Hearing the kids pray after a lesson on prayer or get excited about the story of Creation has been an eye opener and a reminder everyday to keep that excitement and awe.  I feel like I'm learning everything again along with the kids.

-I need instant gratification and it's just not going to happen, and that's okay.  Everything is introductory at this age.  The majority of the time when I ask the kids what they learned or what sound the letter C makes, I get some kind of response like "I want to go to Disney World", or just random shout outs like "Purple!".  Responses make absolutely no sense and you are left wondering what they possibly could have thought you said and disappinted that you aren't Super Teacher. Again, I'm making adjustments to this age group and know this is typical.  This makes me patient and the little girl that said "cartoon" when asked "What word starts with C?" a genius.

-I'm pushing them just to get them to sit down and be quiet for 10 minutes.  That is so. hard. for them and I need to remember this.  However, your at school. I can't have 17 three year olds yelling at me for 7 hours. It's not good for anyone.  So yes, I'm going to push them to sit and raise hands.  I don't love it, but it's just the way it is.

-After reading "You Are Special", a story about a puppet that gets stickers based on how good or bad he is from others and then learns that it only matters what God thinks, I spent the day rewarding the kids with stickers if they could form a line.  Nice one, Mrs. Cousin.  The good thing is they only listened to the first two pages of the story which was completely beyond them and made no connection.

-Private school can make up their own rules, experiment with curriculum, and are pressed to teach and do what's best for the whole-child.  This is harder to do in a public classroom.  However, because the school I am at is blessed with very organized and successful leaders, I see how with the wrong leadership private school can be a bust.  I grew up in public school and was just fine.  However it's a different environment down here and I'm glad to be teaching in private right now. 

-One of my love languages is words of affirmation and I am so thankful that this school has recognized that as something essential in the workplace and makes a point to encouage one another. 

-I hate crafts. Yes, I said it.  The girl that spent the summer dappling in Pinterest crafts is now damning crafts. I have no prep time, ZERO prep time...and during my zero minutes of prep time I am  doing more work getting crafts ready for these people than they spend doing the craft.  I am going to start keeping all 17 of each craft and hanging them on MY refrigerator because most of it comes from my ability to cut and paste.  Something has to change.

-When I am a parent of a student I vow to be the biggest rule follower there was.  There are very specific reasons I request the snack packed in the container I give you or the take-home folder system implemented daily. These little requests make the day go by so much smoother and that means a lot when your whole day is a mix of chaos, surprises, busy kids, and an awaiting pile of paper and prep work. It could meanthe difference between a 5 or 15 minute transition for the kids or more importantly, a 10 minute or 20 minute lunch break for me. 

-No, I don't feel like I'm babysitting which was another concern. I don't throw some toys down, pop in a movie, and text all day.  I still have people to answer to and progress to prove.  Lesson plans are well thought out, play time is made meaningful, and there is a reason behind activities.  I'm working to lay foundations for the kids to be successful students and good people and feel more of a responsibility than a 16 year old hanging on the couch with kids on a Friday night.  

-Coffee and airborne are regular meal sides. 

-After a hoarse voice for a week and a head that felt like a balloon, I started putting kids in time out for hands constantly in their mouth.  Is that okay...?

-Known by the kids as "Mrs. Blueberry", my assistant is one of the new blessings in my life.  This is something I was also nervous about (it's amazing how many problems you can create in your head).  She is calming, encouraging, reminds me to laugh, prays with me, supports me, and is amazing with the kids.  She has something like 30 plus years in teaching and her expertise have come in handy.  I have explained her to Will has a cartoon character.  She is always singing, smiling, and adding comedy right along with the kids into each day. 

I'm hoping the weeks and month continue to excite me about teaching.  I'm tired each day and there are certainly headaches but I can't think of doing anything else right now.  

Friday, September 6, 2013

Carnival time!

When I was a little girl school carnivals consisted of a cake walk and teachers attempting to make balloon animals. Now with pony rides, food trucks, live music, bounce houses, rides... I'm impressed! My school has some dedicated families and staff. It was a great event night and a fun time to see the kids and families outside the classroom.  I may be able to finally convince the kids that I do NOT sleep at school and have another life :). 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day

Thanks to gracious friends, Will and I were still able to engage in some lake fun for Labor Day even though we are far from our beloved Briggs.  As Labor Day should be, we were surrounded by a sweet family that were kind enough to include us in on their festivities and we indulged in late night board games, too much food, water sports, sunset boat rides, and some relaxation.  

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