Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I think Will has some lessons to learn from the little boys in Pre-K.   Monday Flowers from one of the little guys.  Just adorable. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Week One Down!

One week down.  I have learned more in the past week than possibly my entire (cough) 6 years of college.  I have started doing things that I have sworn I will never do and reality has taken a giant turn as I have had my 1st week in the workforce/classroom.  Here are my thoughts in list form since paragraph form takes more energy and my energy is spread too thinly as it is between 40 kids.

- College should offer a class called "Benefits".  Insurance forms look chinese to me and my husband is not much better.  There are so many options and I don't even know what option A means, let alone Option B, C, and D.  Do I need this kind of insurance? Do I need insurance on top of insurance?

-Suddenly, I find myself giving about a million "double thumbs up" a day.  Since when do I give people thumbs up? I think it's when I am out of words, but I am pretty sure I gave Will a thumbs up and "awesome job" for unloading the dishwasher.

-If you are looking for the first year teacher, it's the girl who got sick on the 3rd day of school.

-My expectations for 1 four year old are right on target.  For 20 four year olds in 3 hours? Not so much.

-Songs are the key to a happy class.

-EVERYTHING needs explaining and modeling.  The order in which you pick up your snack and push in your chair needs demonstrating.   Then demonstrate it again.....and again...and again... and...

-New shoes are the way into your child's heart.   Noticing them are the teacher's way into a student's heart.

-I really hope the school tech guy doesn't monitor how much Hulu I watch on my computer when I get home.

-An oath: I promise to empty my future children's take- home folder every night.

-I have formed this belief that the class line is a reflection of the teacher.  Our line continues to look better and better.

-2 classes are never the same.

-Consistency is going to be my best friend and thank me in a few weeks.  However, I can't make a child "try again" and go back and walk down the hall when they run to me at the start of the day and give me giant hugs.

-The way of opening a milk carton is a dirty trick on teachers.  Someday I will invent an easy open milk carton so teachers don't have to help open 18 while 2 are exploding across the room from desperate 4 year olds.

-My class will have manners if it is the death of me.  Someday they will learn that manners and friendliness are the beginning of connections.  Connections get jobs.

-Yes, I gave about every child here a nonspecific, ego boosting, "Awesome job!" about a million times today.  They smiled and the teacher police didn't come after me.  I will probably say it again tomorrow because I don't have time to go further with that sentence during the day.

-My name is Mrs. Cousin, not "teacher".  

-With 20 other kids demanding attention, "waiting and being patient" seems to be the #1 lesson of Pre-K.  I hate this aspect of the classroom  because I want the kids to get the very  most out of the short time, but know it's important to learn (I think my husband missed this lesson :)).  

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Herding Chickens: Pre-K, Day 1

I had my first day with my chickens.  I'm exhausted and am very tired of hearing my own voice, but I survived and am still smiling.  Like some of the kids today I was nervous, but excited and we all got through the day with our mixed emotions.  I'm assuming it was a day similar to all first days of Pre-K where there are tears, hugs, blank stares, smiles, playing, and lots and lots and LOTS of directions (repeated 50 times over).  Between working on the routines of lining up, bathroom, and sign-in, there wasn't much time left over.  However, there was still enough time to make panicked hurdles toward kids standing on tables and sprint after kids bolting for the door.  I really do feel like I spent the day herding chickens but if by the end of the year I feel like I am herding more intelligent livestock, then part of my job has been fulfilled. 

With new days come mistakes and I did miss putting a child on the bus and sent home the wrong start time to parents.  But, notes and phone calls fixed both these things.  :) 

Day 1:  Just FYI, this picture was taken by Will who was laying in bed.  My husband is an early riser but I got to school with the breakfast cooks today.  Go me for showing some dedication...and a really long "To Do" list that I kept adding to at 4 am.

 This is a great visual of how the day went.  The morning went smoothly and fairly "as planned."  The afternoon was a little bit of a mess.  

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