Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Juniper Sleeps Over

June came to spend the night at Uncle Billy and Auntie Mae's house this weekend while  Mama and Daddy had a night to themselves.  We accomplished a ton of fun things, as June seems to be stuck in fast forward and likes two minute activities :). 

Rockin' out with Auntie Mae.  I don't know if this is what she thinks I look like, or if this is her own car dance.

 Heritage Days...a bust, but at least we got a balloon.

 We went to see Great Grandma!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Girls Golf Outing

Let the title of this entry not confuse you.  No, I don't golf.  It involves a ball, people! And I don't do anything that requires ball-eye-hand coordination.  But somehow I got sucked into a golf tournament.  And when these people say tournament...they mean extravaganza.  18 holes. 7 hours. 80-some degrees outside.  However, I can honestly say it was very fun to hit around a few balls with some girls that were only slightly above my skill level.  Having Grandpa C. take me out the night before the golf tournament for some quick tips and my first hit was a wise idea.  I did bad, but I made contact.  Our score was 100 and I couldn't really tell you what that means.  Bad? Good? It doesn't really matter.  We took advantage of the short sunshine season we have and I got to drive a golf cart around.

So what does one do if they know they are going to make a fool out of themselves golfing? They form a distraction with their outfits. Suz and I decided to put more energy into forming the perfect golf attire rather than perfecting our skill.  Hey, I'm not going to get good this late in the game.  I might as well focus on the one thing I know....style.

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