Sunday, February 27, 2011

Video Montage

I have always wanted to make a video montage so last night I put my to do list aside and worked with what little material we had on our flip cam.  Here are the results:

PS.  Please make sure your volume is up and keep in mind this is my first video montage :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Will you be my Valentine?

On Friday I spent the morning in the four's room at the child development center of UNI and we were all reminded of the upcoming holiday.  The class is "studying" Europe and the lesson for that day was about the queen.  While the teacher was showing off a picture of the queen and pointing out the shiny crown a little boy exclaimed: 

"My Mama says she LOOOVEEES shiny things!"

Perhaps Mama has been leaving a few hints for Daddy....?  


Although I would have loved to spend the day snuggling my Valentine, Monday duties still called but I did come home to flowers and a teddy bear.  Will received a little craft of his own and we called for take out.  After work I put my snot/poop/blood and pee clothes out of sight and put on some red jammies.  Because of the holiday, I think I can talk Will into watching twenty minutes of The Bachlor with me :).  I love my Valentine and if this is what the next 100 February 14th's have in store for me I have no complaints.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Title by Reader

I have no words left in me.  Writing papers is the new sleeping.  My update to you is to be through photo.  Will with his business, me with my school.  This is what we do.  This is our hub.

Perhaps a bit dramatic... we do allow ourselves some social time.  We tried out a new sushi (ew) place with friends the other weekend:

Visit the new business!
It's slightly under construction, but it's really coming along.

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