Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Coffee Pot

The coffee pot sits in the room,
with all the knifes, forks, and steel spoons
It waits in the morning
for when we stop snoring
to perform its one job of the day

Like thunder it rumbles then rains
and fills our mugs with brown-black stains
We forgive it quite quick
though our teeth might yell, "Quit!"
but we can't go without the tart taste

Its belly groans with roaring glee
while it mixes the water and beans
then it starts feeding
with drips and drops speeding
to fill our ears with morning's cue

-Mae Cousin

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh Miles...I doo doo love you.

Ok, will my husband like me posting this? Will Miles? Who knows. But I have to. Because it's just so funny. Miles has this obsession with Will's underpants...and...he has taken notice to a new opportunity that comes about twice a day for long enough periods of time for a pretty solid cat nap. Yes, our kittens habit might be a tad awkward for Will... but Miles is quick to arrive at the first sound of the toilet lid being lifted. Frankly, Will probably gets alittle bored waiting around anyway. There's not much more to say. See for yourselves.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Over due

Reunited! My brother's close friend/roommate from high school was found living in Tucson! While Kei roomed with Erik at Interlochen he became close friends with the Jorgensen's and joined us for Christmas, birthdays, and Jen's wedding. Seeing dear Kei was long over due but upon realizing a Jorgensen was now an hour and a half away we planned a fun filled day and exchanged introductions of the special someones in our lives. I gave my congrats and approval of his sweet love, Tori (I should have met her sooner; such a sweetheart) and Kei assured me that letting Will put a ring on my finger was an excellent choice:) (I couldn't agree more) I haven't had enough of Erik this year so to have alittle taste of a big brother figure for a day was so much fun. Kei and Tori took the short (very short) tour of Will and my love nest apartment and we toured them around old town Scottsdale. After a big lunch it was time to get FaNcY! Kei raised the bar for Will and I a bit by gifting us with seats to the Phoenix Oprah, with whom he is the assistant conductor. (By the way, Kei and Tori are both highly gifted in music; Kei is a successful conductor who has conducted around the world and Tori is a student majoring in flute performance). Anyway, dressed to the nines, we went to La Boheme with Phoenix's finest. We thoroughly enjoyed our debut to the Oprah however, the old man beside me apparently couldn't get through it without several trips for bourbon to knock him out. But, I applaud him for giving his wife a ritzy evening out to wear her sequins and pashmina. I have a feeling that their were numerous husbands in similar situations... While Will enjoyed the experience and appreciate alittle culture, I think the next concert we attend may be jazz or something in English. Don't be mistaken, we really did enjoy the performance and the introduction to this traditional art form. Since we had an "in" we put on our imaginary V.I.P. passes to congratulate the cast and get a glimpse of behind the scenes of the pit and set. Although I don't compare next to Kei and Tori, I felt like I was in my spot next to Will explaining when the orchestra was tuning and which strings were which. I have been trying to pick up my violin more and being around strings was definitely a motivator. However, I won't be doing any playing around those people. eek! So after lunch, old fashioned sundaes, the Oprah, we closed the day near midnight with a quick cocktail and bite before our two friends made the quick drive back. We have plans to go to Tucson this weekend and see Kei conduct and Tori flute! It's good to have orchestral music back in my life and I'm excited to share more of it with Will. I have a few pictures but unfortunately we couldn't find a photographer so there's not one altogether. Also, as much as a wanted a picture of us all "posh" at the Oprah-I thought it might be scream "rooky" alittle too much. :) But let's just say it was a close contest between Will's good lookin' and what was going on up stage. - URL to Kei's professional website. Check it out!

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